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Tuesday, November 22, 2011


So its the the day before miss Alex and me fly out to Bangkok, just spoken to her on the phone and we are now checked in on the flight through the internet. I hope she still remembers that i had bagseez on the window seat. 

Last night i finished packing my bag with the help of Nikki. After asking Dave to pick it up and tell me how heavy he thought it was he replied HEAVY! Our bag limit is 23kg for luggage and 8kg for hand luggage, i immediately turned as white as a pair of underpants that had passed the daz doorstep challenge. The reason for this is because miss Alex and me have been stung before in the airport with excess weight charges. Opening up your luggage at the check out counter to juggle about clothing is pretty embarrassing, especially as i had to swap my nice trendy man bag for miss Alex s flowery beach bag for our hand luggage because it was bigger and fit more in. Anyway after a complete re pack of necessary items this time not including a 3rd spare set of hair clippers and a mix up with the units on my dads baggage scales (we read the pounds and not kg) the bag is ready to go.

This morning was my 3rd and last rabies jab, iv never been a great fan of needles and always have to look away like a big wuss. So im now officially South East Asia proof, meaning nothin can get me now apart from a good old dose of the trots. (must check with miss Alex if we have Imodium). Months ago when i went to my doctors to ask what jabs i needed she told me they had lost my record of jabs. So "we ll start again". Great!  iv lost count of the needles iv had and im glad its all finished now. the rabies jab is £70 per jab. Im half tempted to find the biggest and baddest rabid looking monkey and let it bite me just to see exactly what i get for £210. 

I would just like to say to all my family and miss Alex s family and all of our friends that you have made the last couple of weeks here amazing. Miss Alex is right it makes us remember what we have got to look forward to when we come home.

Speak soon xxx

1 comment:

  1. Im half tempted to find the biggest and baddest rabid looking monkey and let it bite me just to see exactly what i get for £210...... This had me in tears hahaha
